Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Day

Hey, everyone Earth hour was great yesterday, I hope thatyou all turned off your lights and not used electronices. By the whole participating in Earth hour we dropped more than 10 percent of saved energy which is fantastic. David Suzuki was on a radio show and he said that earth hour dosn't change very much but, a little bit counts. Thank you to everyone who participated in earth hour all across the globe we thank you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lollipops and popsicles

Hey, everyone I just realized that lollipops and popsicles are terrible for the environment because the popsicle sticks and the lollipop sticks are made out of wood and wood comes frrom trees, just imagine how many trees they're killing. No one notices that fruity snacks are bad for the environment.

Please if you have any questions whatsoever please comment.

Thank you!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is anyone there?

Hi everyone, or no one if anyone is reading this blog please please respond.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Helping Haiti

As most of you know there was a terrible earthquake in Haiti and citizens in Haiti are either very injured or dead. I know it was a very long time ago but there are still very big damages to the country and they need our help. I know some charities aren't very good and rip people off but most of them are guaranteed to help people in Haiti for example the red cross charity. Please donate today and help the citisens of Haiti.

Good luck!

365 ways to save the earth

Hi everyone, if you want to save the enviroment and don't know how to you can get this magnificent book called 365 ways to save the earth, this book has a way to save the earth for every single day of the year. You can buy or rent this book at any book store. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Earth ships

Hi I just learned a very neat way of saving energy by living in a "recycled" house called an earth ship. I will tell you how it works. The walls are made of recucled pop cans and recycled tires and then they cover it with concrete so the walls are very thick and insilated to keep warm on cold winter nights. Earth ships are usually located on hills and very close to a main city. The windows in earth ships are solar panals and that's how they collect electricity and they store the elctricity in batteries. The water system is so interesting, they have a well and when it rains or snows the water goes into the well and they filture the water and put it into sinks and showers and then the dirtier water goes to plants inside the house and the really dirty water from the plants go into the toilet and once it's gone to the toilet the water goes to the septic tank and the system starts again. To keep the earth ship warm they're special blinds that keep all the warm air in and the walls are very thick also. To keep the earth ship cold they dig 8ft in the ground and the soil is cold there so they get a tube and they transport the cold air inside the house and keeps the house cool and it gets very hot in the earthship because there are lots of windows. The earthship dosn't have any microwaves or hairdryers. earthships are so modern and very pretty.

if you have any questions please comment.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Great people do great things.

This is a planet where things are very hard and can be breathetaking and every thing in this planet is a problem. Great people like Marin Luther King or Terry fox can make an amazing difference and even firefighters are great people. All you have to do is SPEAK UP!! that is the key in life. Speak up for what you believe in!!! Even if you have a hard life or a great life it dosn't matter and they're is things in this world that people havn't even heard of and is one of the most terrible things going on in the earth. Remember all you have to do is speak up and make a difference.

Good luck!

Great people do great things.